
Exploration Seminar


Exploration Seminar

ETSO is a seminar for companies who desire to have a positive impact on communities around them. This seminar is suitable for companies interested in both local and global causes.

ETSO Seminar gathers experts from both Europe and Asia to discuss the challenges and propose solutions to the key issues facing communities today. Topics could include access to education or environment protection.

Seminar sizes, location and dates will be confirmed according to the topic and the stakeholders involved.

The idea behind these seminars is that business can be a force for good and the ETSO Seminar provides an efficient and viable platform for companies to display social responsibility and take an active role in solving important issues.

All seminars are combined with practical guidance from UUKU Consulting Oy to the partnering company on how to create traction for the cause, visibility in the media and other strategies that elevate their brand image and maximize the ideas generated by the seminar.

To learn more about Etso Seminars, connect to our team.